My oldest thing? Pride, fresh from the dryer.

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

I had the privilege of attending the Tongue Point Job Corps Center in Astoria, OR back in 2005-07.

During my time at the center I completed two basic vocational certificates in Landscaping and Facility Maintenance.

Bridge to Success, TPJCC

Having reached the highest rank, three times in a row, I received a monogram sweatshirt and a ring that I still wear 18 years later.


The Center used a scoring system with ranks to determine the various privileges or limitations set to each student (Red, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum).

If you got in trouble (misconduct or rule breaking) you could get written up and possibly  bumped down a grade.

But, if you performed well, either in your vocation or the dorms, then your average score could move you up in the rankings.

Everyone arriving at the Center would start at Silver and some might drop to Bronze after their first evaluation.

Some students struggled with conforming with the structure. I had an advantage in having been in Boy Scouts and possessing a “follower” mentality.


I think Red was an average of 1.0 and you would be on the cusp of termination unless you improved by the next evaluation period.

If you were Red you were not allowed to go to town. I think Bronze could only leave on the weekends.

Silver could could go any day and was the standard that most students hovered around.


If you managed to reach the high rank of Gold then you would get to stand at the front of the line for the bus to town.

You could even bump someone else off the bus if it was full and you arrived late. The “bumped” individual needed to be lower rank than you.

You had first dibs on events held by the recreation facility.

I remember going to my first (and last) Monster Truck rally, without ear plugs, thanks to my Gold status. I also attended some Ice Hockey matches in Portland at the Rose Bowl (Quarter).

Lastly, if you somehow reached Platinum, the first time you received some points that could be exchanged for items in a gift shop located in the main office.

Sometimes if a student did something really special they would be awarded points. I think we also received points each evaluation that resulted in Gold/Platinum status, but I could be mistaken. 18 years is a long time.

Another prize was getting a seat at the restaurant run by the culinary students for lunch. The Center’s Director would often buy a meal ticket and bring guests from the community to show off the students hard work.

Instructors were also able to nominate one of their students to have lunch at the restaurant. Other staff members would often buy a ticket to eat there.

Upon reaching Platinum a second time, students were eligible to redeem their points to get the monogram sweatshirt which has the school’s “Bridge to Success” motto on it.

Finally, we come to the third Platinum prize.

The coveted school ring with a blue stone for boys or a red for girls. You still needed to have enough points saved up to buy the ring, but I think it was worth it.


After completing my trades I applied to and was accepted into the Centers college program which allowed me to attend Clatsop Community College for three semesters.

I successfully ran for student government and was the VP of Residence 3 for half a term before moving up to Dorm President.

I also had a stint as the floor leader and as a Student Ambassador.

I took part in a local radio program featuring student voices.

I had the opportunity to attend a conference in Washington DC with other student leaders.

I volunteered with fellow students in a restoration project for the Lewis and Clark trail and the construction of a playground in downtown Astoria.

I was the first student to request and complete an 8-week internship with the US Coast Guard at their Air Base and Family Housing.

I received a plaque for overcoming personal challenges at the 2006 Youth Recognition Awards Banquet in Clatsop County.

2006 Youth Recognition Awards Banquet


After I left the center I went on the classic “European Trip.”

I got visit family in England, tour castles in France, and ride the trains in Spain.On

Upon my return state-side, I settled in North Carolina and I’ve been here ever since. I’ll probably stay another 7 years before moving back to the Pacific Northwest.

That’s all for now. Thanks for your time.

Questions and comments please put them below and have a great Father’s Day.

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