Nope, and I plan on it never happening…

Have you ever broken a bone?

I have gone out of my way to avoid taking part in any activities that more likely than others could result in a broken bone.

I have little interest in sports other than Golf and Ice Hockey, both of which I prefer to watch than take part in.

I have had some close encounters though.

I have been hit by a car while crossing a highway on my bicycle.

I have fallen out of a truck with a faulty door while speeding around a corner.

I have sustained knife wounds to my midsection and I once swung a machete into my leg.

I also crashed my moped after turning off the pavement on to a gravel road.

No broken bones. Just bruises and cuts.

I am thankful my close encounters have not yet resulted in a break.

I will of course remain ever vigilant. I don’t like pain and I shall ward against it wherever and whenever it is humanely possible.

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